Installing HyperNetX


The recommended installation method for most users is to create a virtual environment and install HyperNetX from PyPi.

HyperNetX may be cloned or forked from Github.


HyperNetX officially supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.

Create a virtual environment

Using Anaconda

>>> conda create -n venv-hnx python=3.8 -y
>>> conda activate venv-hnx

Using venv

>>> python -m venv venv-hnx
>>> source venv-hnx/bin/activate

Using virtualenv

>>> virtualenv venv-hnx
>>> source venv-hnx/bin/activate

For Windows Users

On both Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt, you can use the following command to activate your virtual environment:

>>> .\env-hnx\Scripts\activate

To deactivate your environment, use:

>>> .\env-hnx\Scripts\deactivate

Installing Hypernetx

Regardless of how you install HyperNetX, ensure that your environment is activated and that you are running Python >=3.8.

Installing from PyPi

>>> pip install hypernetx

If you want to use supported applications built upon HyperNetX (e.g. hypernetx.algorithms.hypergraph_modularity or hypernetx.algorithms.contagion), you can install HyperNetX with those supported applications by using the following command:

>>> pip install hypernetx[all]

If you are using zsh as your shell, use single quotation marks around the square brackets:

>>> pip install hypernetx'[all]'

Installing from Source

Ensure that you have git installed.

>>> git clone
>>> cd HyperNetX
>>> make venv
>>> source venv-hnx/bin/activate
>>> pip install .

Post-Installation Actions

Interact with HyperNetX in a REPL

Ensure that your environment is activated and that you run python on your terminal to open a REPL:

>>> import hypernetx as hnx
>>> data = { 0: ('A', 'B'), 1: ('B', 'C'), 2: ('D', 'A', 'E'), 3: ('F', 'G', 'H', 'D') }
>>> H = hnx.Hypergraph(data)
>>> list(H.nodes)
['G', 'F', 'D', 'A', 'B', 'H', 'C', 'E']
>>> list(H.edges)
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> H.shape
(8, 4)

Other Actions if installed from source

If you have installed HyperNetX from source, you can perform additional actions such as viewing the provided Jupyter notebooks or building the documentation locally.

Ensure that you have activated your virtual environment and are at the root of the source directory before running any of the following commands:

Viewing jupyter notebooks

The following command will automatically open the notebooks in a browser.

>>> make tutorial-deps
>>> make tutorials

Building documentation

The following commands will build and open a local version of the documentation in a browser:

>>> make docs-deps
>>> cd docs
>>> make html
>>> open build/index.html